全年無休         晨禱禮拜﹕6:30am - 8:00am         晚禱禮拜﹕8:00pm - 9:00pm          主日崇拜 周日:10:00am 開始
All World Mission Prayer Center Flag Counter

感謝讃美我們的大能和信實的神。我們已經在 1189 S De Anza 建堂。感恩所有支持我們的人。 歡迎你們來到主的殿,親近主,呼求禱告,抵擋魔鬼一切在你和家人任何一方面的攻擊。得勝,榮耀歸主名。

November 19, 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Thanks to our God who does great work via answering HIS children prayers!!!!
It is HIS miracle that we are still here at 1189 S De Anza, worshiping and praying every morning and evening today.
Serving God children in distresses and sickness.

We are thankful for all God's precious children' support either in prayers or donation!!!

We need to raise $70k to close the year for AWMPC 信望愛禱告中心 Operation Funds to finish 2022.

Would you join us in fervent prayers and/or have consideration for donation?

All the best from above,
Pastor Paul Lee





我們在迫切的禱告神差祂所神祝福和預備的人參與禱告和或奉獻幫助我們完成年底前$70k 常費需要。


2022 感恩節

September 05, 2022

耶穌對他們說:「我曾看見撒但從天上墜落,像閃電一樣。 我已經給你們權柄可以踐踏蛇和蠍子,
又勝過仇敵一切的能力,斷沒有甚麼能害你們。 然而,不要因鬼服了你們就歡喜,要因你們的名記錄在天上歡喜。」”
路加福音 10:16-20 CUNP-神

AWMPC, it is time to pray, to focus and fight,
praying for success against all of our problems fearlessly.

Every Evening from 8:00PM to 9:00PM!
Monday to Saturday 6:30AM, and Sunday at 10:00AM!

1189 S De Anza Blvd, San Jose, CA 95129

Join us via Cisco Webex!


Facebook Promo Video!

God Bless,

July 31, 2022

我們的好天父應允了我們的21 天爭戰禱告。信望愛中心的重貸完成了。感謝讃美聽祂的兒女呼求大能信實好天父!!!全能的神帶領我們得勝了逃避了埃及追兵一樣兇猛追殺,走過紅海一樣不可能的道路。
李宇珍牧師呼籲主的兒女們為自己或家人打一場勝仗,一起參與我們下一個星一開始的七天爭戰禱告 6:30am, 8 pm. ( 李牧師更希望我們介紹你身邊有需要的人一同參與)


Our GOOD Father God has answered our 21 days focus fighting prayers. AWMPC loan has been completely done!
PRAISES and THANKS to our FAITHFUL and GOOD GOD the heavenly FATHER!
Our almighty God the Father has led us to overcome the strong and violent attacks, like that of the pharaoh's army,
walking us through the impossible road, like that of the Red Sea in Exodus.

Pastor Lee invites you to join 7 Days JERICHO Focus Prayer starting next Monday 6:30am and 8pm.
Let us have a GOOD and VICTORIOUS spiritual fight against each of our biggest life issues.

Pastor Lee hopes that you would introduce those around you, who are in distress or sickness, to join in too.

Our GOD lives!

“洪水泛濫之時,耶和華坐着為王; 耶和華坐着為王,直到永遠。 耶和華必賜力量給他的百姓; 耶和華必賜平安的福給他的百姓。”
詩篇 29:10-11 CUNP-神

“The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord is enthroned as King forever. The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.”
Psalms 29:10-11 NIV

June 27, 2022

信望愛禱告中心李宇珍牧師切盼你們與我們同心合意參加 7/1/2022 開始。每天 6:30 am and/or 8:00 pm

- 最後一場的 21 天為重貸款最後的成功爭戰禱告。

1. 順利籌募到 closing cost, loan fees, etc.
2. Loan closing 順利

- 同時也為你自己的一個山一樣大的問題禱告。親生經歷活著的基督耶穌。

- 同時李牧師用聖經與我們分享神應允禱告的前提條件和合神旨意的禱告,並現今流行的錯誤禱告不蒙應允的原因。

感謝讚美我們的全能信實主神,自上次的7 天爭戰至今,在許多攔阻,攻擊和波折下,在主的身經百戰忠僕帶領下爭戰禱告,終於看到神拯救的手使我們滿足了銀行大部分要求。在利率不斷上升成功 locked rate too.


38「你每天所要獻在壇上的就是兩隻一歲的羊羔; 39早晨要獻這一隻,黃昏的時候要獻那一隻。 40和這一隻羊羔同獻的,要用細麵伊法十分之一與搗成的油一欣四分之一調和,又用酒一欣四分之一作為奠祭。 41那一隻羊羔要在黃昏的時候獻上,照着早晨的素祭和奠祭的禮辦理,作為獻給耶和華馨香的火祭。 42這要在耶和華面前、會幕門口,作你們世世代代常獻的燔祭。我要在那裏與你們相會,和你們說話。 43我要在那裏與以色列人相會,會幕就要因我的榮耀成為聖。 44我要使會幕和壇成聖,也要使亞倫和他的兒子成聖,給我供祭司的職分。 45我要住在以色列人中間,作他們的神。 46他們必知道我是耶和華-他們的神,是將他們從埃及地領出來的,為要住在他們中間。我是耶和華-他們的神。」
- 出埃及記 29 :38-46

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

Pastor Lee of AWMPC genuinely looks forward to your joining us on 7/1/2022, praying daily at 6:30 am and/or 8:00 pm.

- Join us for the last 21 Days of Prayer for the final Successful battle of refinancing.

1. To swiftly raise for the closing cost, loan fees, and more.
2. For the Loan closing to go well.

- Additionally, pray for your mountains and hurdles, experiencing the true living Christ Jesus.

- During this time, Pastor Lee will use the Bible to share with us the requirements for God to answer prayers; prayers in line with God's will, and the reasons why commonly made prayers are not answered.

Thank God and Praise our Almighty and Faithful Lord God. Ever since the previous 7-day Prayer War, we have been fighting and praying under the leadership of the Lord's faithful servants through many obstacles, attacks, and twists and turns, finally seeing God's hand of salvation satisfy us. Most of the banks requirements have been met, including a successfully locked rate as well.

This prayer center serves The Lord in desperate times. Your participation will be pleasing to God, remember this and be Blessed.

"This is what you are to offer on the altar regularly each day: two lambs a year old. Offer one in the morning and the other at twilight. With the first lamb offer a tenth of an ephah of fine flour mixed with a quarter of a hin of oil from pressed olives, and a quarter of a hin of wine as a drink offering. Sacrifice the other lamb at twilight with the same grain offering and its drink offering as in the morning--a pleasing aroma, an offering made to the Lord by fire. For the generations to come this burnt offering is to be made regularly at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting before the Lord. There I will meet you and speak to you; there also I will meet with the Israelites, and the place will be consecrated by my glory. So I will consecrate the Tent of Meeting and the altar and will consecrate Aaron and his sons to serve me as priests. Then I will dwell among the Israelites and be their God. They will know that I am the LORD their God, who brought them out of Egypt so that I might dwell among them. I am the LORD their God."
- Exodus 29:38-46

Join us In Person at:
1189 S De Anza Blvd San Jose, CA 95129

Or join us on Cisco Webex:

God Bless,

June 7, 2022

“惟求耶和華-我的神垂顧僕人的禱告祈求,俯聽僕人在你面前的祈禱呼籲。 願你晝夜看顧這殿,就是你應許立為你名的居所;求你垂聽僕人向此處禱告的話。 你僕人和你民以色列向此處祈禱的時候,求你從天上你的居所垂聽,垂聽而赦免。”
歷代志下 6:19-21 CUNP-神

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Pastor Lee sincerely invites you to join us in 7 Days of Focused Prayer for the Building Refinancing's Final Success! We all have a part in God's work!

“Yet, Lord my God, give attention to your servant’s prayer and his plea for mercy. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence. May your eyes be open toward this temple day and night, this place of which you said you would put your Name there. May you hear the prayer your servant prays toward this place. Hear the supplications of your servant and of your people Israel when they pray toward this place. Hear from heaven, your dwelling place; and when you hear, forgive.” 2 Chronicles 6:19-21 NIV

God Bless,

May 17, 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Faith Hope Love Prayer Center's Urgent Prayer:

Remember in your daily prayers, that our loan refinancing has been successfully completed!!!

We are very thankful to the Lord! The great hand of God has built a new prayer and training center at 1189 S De Anza during the pandemic on 7/24/2020.
This happened under extremely difficult circumstances on all sides. Pastor Lee obeys the Lord's command to choose this specific property and keep hold of it at all costs as the Lord's sanctuary.
While many have said that it is a Mission Impossible, especially during these tough times and pandemic period, our God proves himself as the Mighty One.

Pastor Lee has led us in prayers in 100% faith towards God, praying day and night, night and day.
It is through the Lord's mighty hand and deep loving heart, that we are serving our Heavenly Father's children and those in need every single day.
We have eyewitnesses And testimonies that God's power has manifested among children of faith and obedience.
We have witnessed lives changed, sicknesses healed, issues resolved, and individuals being trained as God's prayer warriors.

Due to the faith in the Lord and the wholehearted giving from many hands, we have been able to pay for the extremely high interest loans for nearly two years.
We are even more grateful that the loan due on 8/1/22 is expected to be refinanced, and has entered the final moment. God is leading us into this opportunity.

Join us in fervent prayer to our Lord at this very important juncture for our prayer center, that all loan conditions required are to be completed successfully.
We are looking forward to sharing the blessings in this precious work of the Lord.
Through this, you will have a significant life experience, testifying of how the Mighty God lead His children across the Red Sea.
A Mission Impossible is now a Mission Possible, all because of our Mighty One and Our Creator, God!!!! Alleluia Always!!!


我們非常感謝主!神的大能手在7/24/2020 疫情並在各方極奇难難的環境下,在1189 S De Anza 建立了新的禱告聖殿。李牧師遵從主命,早晚呼求禱告主,100% 依靠主的奇妙的供應,並聖徒的犧牲的奉獻。在眾說不可能的情況下,聖殿每天服事天父的兒女和有需要的人。我們見证了,祂的能力在信從的兒女身上彰顯。

感謝讃美信實的永生神,我們差不多兩年沒有停止支付極高息貸款。並更感恩現在8/1/22 到期的貸款有望重貸,已經進入最後關頭。神在引導帶領我們有此機會。我們呼籲你們在這禱告中心非常重要的關頭,和我們一起呼求主:所有需要完成貸款條件都完滿成功。期盼你們在這主寶貴的事工上,有你們的一份祝福。親自經歷帶領我們過紅海的大能的神,一生難忘的見證神的榮耀。

God Bless,

January 21, 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

A New Year brings New Tidings, and we welcome all to start anew with the Lord.
Come pray with us at 1189 S. De Anza Blvd. San Jose, CA 95129,
and join us online at https://allworldmissionprayercenterinc-321.my.webex.com/meet/awmpc.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year 2022!

God Bless,

December 5, 2021

Pastor Lee from AWMPC is inviting God's children with issues and distress in life
to join the Jericho City 7 Days of Focused Prayer starting this Monday 12/06/2021 at 6:30am or 8pm every day.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28 NIV
1189 S De Anza Blvd San Jose, CA 95129
Or Cisco Webex, https://allworldmissionprayercenterinc-321.my.webex.com/meet/awmpc

6:30am or 8 pm 耶利哥城七天爭戰禱告去解決壓在你們身上的重擔或是問題。
馬太福音 11:28 CUNP-神
1189 S De Anza Blvd., San Jose

November 28, 2021

“你們要靠主常常喜樂。我再說,你們要喜樂。 當叫眾人知道你們謙讓的心。主已經近了。 應當一無掛慮,只要凡事藉着禱告、祈求,和感謝,將你們所要的告訴神。 神所賜、出人意外的平安必在基督耶穌裏保守你們的心懷意念。” 腓立比書 4:4-7 CUNP-神
Pastor Lee’s greeting to you and your family: Happy thanksgiving 🍁!
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22 NIV

November 19, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Thanksgiving Sunday will be held tomorrow at 10:00am,
and we welcome all to join us in thanksgiving at 1189 S. De Anza Blvd. San Jose, CA 95129,
as well as via our Cisco Webex.
Hope to see you all there!

God Bless,
信望愛禱告中心李宇珍牧師邀請你們一起參加星期天的感恩節主日10 am 崇拜。
1189 S. De Anza Blvd. San Jose, CA 95129
或 Cisco Webex:

November 11, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

"The Power of God heals a paralyzed person! [YouTube]"
Pastor Lee encourages you, Children of the Lord, to have faith in the authority that brings about healing of sicknesses!
Follow steadfastly in the footsteps of Jesus, spreading the Gospel through experiences of healing and testimony!
Pastor Lee is passionate to train you in the Kingdom of God to perform the same works of missionary as seen in the video!
You too can experience the joys of walking with the Holy Spirit.

Reach out by calling us at (650) 504 - 4901 to participate in Pastor Lee's training
to become a victorious soldier within the Kingdom of God!
Leave a like and share the video if you feel inspired by the works within!

God Bless,
請電650- 504-4901 參加李牧師訓練,作神國得勝精兵。
(請點讃,一個like, 如果你喜歡我們的宣教工作)

October 28th, 2021

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

Pastor Lee invites those with issues or stress in life to join the Jericho City 7 Days Focus Prayer,
from 11/01/2021 till 11/07/2021, at 6:30am and 8:00pm every day.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11:28‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Join us in person at:
1189 S De Anza Blvd San Jose, CA 95129

Or join us on Cisco Webex:
Click here to Join via Cisco Webex!

God Bless,

信望愛禱告中心李宇珍牧師誠邀神的孩子參加11/1/21-11/7/21 6:30am or 8 pm 耶利哥城七天爭戰禱告去解決壓在你們身上的重擔或是問題。

馬太福音11:28 “凡勞苦擔重擔的人可以到我這裏來,我就使你們得安息。” ‭‭馬太福音‬ ‭11:28‬ ‭CUNP-神‬‬


1189 S De Anza Blvd., San Jose

August 1st, 2021

Celebrating the 1st Anniversary of AWMPC, we are starting out with 7 Days of Focused Prayer to conquer our number one issues!

Come pray with us over Cisco Webex or in person to witness the mighty power of Jesus Christ' Name!
Our signs are installed on our roadside pole and building panels, which can be easily seen at day and night.

Join our newsletter via the mail info link.


February 15th, 2020

主賜美地:1189 De Anza , San Jose 2880 SF building, 16k Sf land 4/15/20
建立24小時禱告的聖殿是 神給信望愛禱告中心的呼召和心意。
李宇珍牧師是美國矽谷信望愛禱告中心的主任牧師。 韓國純福音神學院畢業。並經趙鏞基親自培訓多年。曾開㧨三間教會。神呼召他到美國服事中國信徒,在加卅矽谷1998年創辦信望愛禱告中心。
他和禱告中心的服事: 1-建立24 小時禱告聖殿在灣區 聖經講解,在聖靈帶領的輔導,在聖靈能力醫冶釋放。 2-在美國,台灣,香港裝備牧者,宣教士,傳道人,平信徒在禱告和靈性的訓練,帶著耶穌基督能力進入禾場宣教。
3 上年神開門正集中香港宣教,訓練工作

在李牧師的帶領下,我們同心合意、早晚禱告呼求 神賜下永久的聖殿。
在2/10/2020 七天爭戰後的星期一,神讓我們在一天內找到這殿,五天內贏了其他四位潛在買家, 拿到買賣合約 。感謝 主奇妙的供應,一天內籌得全額訂金。
我們正在積極的向天父禱告,並連絡願意幫助教會建堂的人,以期在一個月內籌齊全款 ,來完成買賣合約,取得聖殿所有權.
這是一生難得的機會,為 永生神、天上的父、為我們釘十架的耶穌基督,與我們同住的聖靈,一起同工來設立 神的殿。這是榮耀 神並造福子孫千代的美事!

經文: 列王紀上 8 : 37~40 37 「國中若有饑荒、瘟疫、旱風、霉爛、蝗蟲、螞蚱,或有仇敵犯境圍困城邑,無論遭遇甚麼災禍疾病, 38 祢的民 以色列 ,或是眾人,或是一人,自覺有罪 ,向這殿舉手,無論祈求甚麼,禱告甚麼, 39 求祢在天上祢的居所垂聽赦免。祢是知道人心的,要照各人所行的待他們(惟有祢知道世人的心), 40 使他們在祢賜給我們列祖之地上一生一世敬畏祢。

Flag Counter 2016©awmpc.org
1189 S. De Anza Blvd.
San Jose, CA 95129
Jay : (415) - 816 - 7873
Joanna : (650) - 504 - 4901
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